San Diego Plant Lovers: Jennie From Hippie Houseplants

San Diego Plant Lovers: Jennie From Hippie Houseplants

One of the most awesome things -- if not the most awesome thing, about starting IvyMay is meeting plant lovers all over San Diego! We've noticed that so many can collect plants & make it a real hobby regardless. Today, we'd like to introduce you to Jennie.

Tell us about yourself.
I’m Jennie! I’m a musician, plant lady, artist & creator of Hippie Houseplants, coffee lover & marketing professional for an architecture firm. 

What are your top 3 passions in life?
Music: I love playing music with my band Imagery Machine. There’s nothing like bringing a new song to life and performing at my favorite music venues. It’s extra special because I get to play in a band with my drummer and boyfriend of 8 years.  

Plants: I love collecting plants, caring for them and watching them grow. It’s a great way to stay grounded and connect with nature everyday. We frequently visit San Diego Botanic Garden which is very close to home and an amazing place to explore nature. I’ve also made so many amazing friends in the plant community.
People & Animals: I love my family, friends and our dog Buddy Bear! I’m so grateful to have so many amazing people to love & I’m a huge animal lover too. 

How did you become a plant enthusiast? 
I learned how easy it was to propagate succulents by just clipping them and sticking them into soil. Once I figured out how to care for succulents, I started collecting tropical plants and propagating those too! Now I have 91 indoor plants and over 200 potted plants outside.

Which one is your current favorite & why?
I love my Philodendron Micans because of the soft velvety leaves that range from bright pink in the sun to a deep velvet green. It grows quickly and it’s super easy to care for. Other favorites are Monstera deliciosa (I have a lot of these in my collection) and Calathea warscewiczii because of the velvet leaves that are patterned on top and purple underneath! 

Do you ever play music... or even better, sing for your plants?
Always! That’s what keeps them so happy. 

What was your inspiration for Hippie Houseplants?
Plant enthusiasts all want rare plants in our collections, but the prices are sky rocketing and the stress of keeping them alive can be overwhelming. I created these mini paper plants to fill that void a bit. I love tiny things and tiny plants. With a background in art and a love for plants, this felt like the perfect thing to do! Now we can all have mini versions of the rare plants we love & best of all, they don’t require any light or water! They make a great gift for a friend or loved one or a new addition to your desk or that shelf that doesn’t get enough light for plants. 

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I love your plants! Especially the mini ones that don’t require light or water since I don’t have a green thumb! Jennie, your a genius!

Linda Arnold

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